Welcome to RealSource!

RealSource is a vendor portal exclusively for use by VCU’s current vendors. It promotes paperless and efficient processing of purchase orders, contracts and invoices.

This webpage is only for registered vendors that have …

  1. Done business with VCU since May 2019,
  2. Been awarded a VCU PO or contract, or have submitted invoices, and
  3. Already registered in the university’s RealSource vendor portal.

Click the Vendor Login button above ONLY if you meet all of the above conditions, otherwise you will be unable to access the RealSource system.

If you have done business with VCU since May 2019 but have not registered in the RealSource vendor portal ….

  1. Contact the university department that you are doing or did business with, and
  2. Ask them to submit a “New Vendor Request” form from the RealSource homepage to start the registration process.

Once a department submits the required form, Procurement Services will send an email invitation with a unique hyperlink to the vendor. The Registered Vendors Only Help-Guide below provides instructions on registering, invoicing etc. Other useful information for registered vendors is shown below.

If you are not a current VCU vendor and wish to do future business with VCU, please register instead in the Commonwealth of Virginia’s eVA vendor system. VCU uses the eVA vendor system to identify new prospective vendors. For more information about eVA and future business opportunities – visit Procurement's Register with eVA page.

If you have any questions about vendor registration in RealSource, please email us at RealSource@vcu.edu.